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Create an Azure Hosted Cluster on AKS


This document describes how to set up an Azure Hosted Cluster on an AKS management cluster with an ExternalDNS setup. Azure HostedClusters on AKS are supported from OCP 4.18.0+.

There are also automated scripts - located in the /contrib/managed-azure folder in the HyperShift repo - to set up the AKS cluster, to set up external DNS, install the HyperShift Operator, and create an Azure HostedCluster.


  • Azure CLI
  • jq
  • oc (OpenShift CLI)
  • kubectl
  • ccoctl tool
  • The ccoctl tool provides various commands to assist with the creating and maintenance of cloud credentials from outside a cluster. More information on the tool can be found here.


Set the following variables according to your environment. Note: Some of the variables set here, e.g. persistent rg name and dns related vars, are given as examples for the HyperShift team, before proceeding please ensure that the variables are set according to your environment.

CP_OUTPUT_FILE=<output file for control plane service principals>
DP_OUTPUT_FILE=<output file for data plane managed identities>

You can look up USER_ACCOUNT_ID by searching for your account in azure portal's search box and selecting Microsoft Entra ID.You can use value of Object ID as shown in azure portal.

Value of $PARENT_DNS_ZONE may be different for different teams. Check os4-common resource group associated with your subscription-id for pre-existing DNS zones. If there are multiple DNS zones more than likely the parent DNS zone is the common suffix among them.


Note: Steps 1-8 set up the environment so that, if created in a persistent group, they can be reused for creation of clusters in the future. Reusing these helps with reducing the managed identity quota, which has previously caused issues for the HyperShift team's Azure tenant. We should reuse MIs and SPs wherever possible.

1. Retrieve User Account Details

ACCOUNT_DETAILS=$(az account show --query '{subscriptionId: id, tenantId: tenantId}' -o json)
SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(echo "$ACCOUNT_DETAILS" | jq -r '.subscriptionId')
TENANT_ID=$(echo "$ACCOUNT_DETAILS" | jq -r '.tenantId')

2. Create Service Principal for Authentication

SP_DETAILS=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "$PERSONAL_SP_NAME" --role Contributor --scopes "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" -o json)
CLIENT_ID=$(echo "$SP_DETAILS" | jq -r '.appId')
CLIENT_SECRET=$(echo "$SP_DETAILS" | jq -r '.password')

  "subscriptionId": "$SUBSCRIPTION_ID",
  "tenantId": "$TENANT_ID",
  "clientId": "$CLIENT_ID",
  "clientSecret": "$CLIENT_SECRET"

3. Create Managed Identities for AKS Cluster Creation

az identity create --name $AKS_CP_MI_NAME --resource-group $PERSISTENT_RG_NAME
az identity create --name $AKS_KUBELET_MI_NAME --resource-group $PERSISTENT_RG_NAME
export AKS_CP_MI_ID=$(az identity show --name $AKS_CP_MI_NAME --resource-group $PERSISTENT_RG_NAME --query id -o tsv)
export AKS_KUBELET_MI_ID=$(az identity show --name $AKS_KUBELET_MI_NAME --resource-group $PERSISTENT_RG_NAME --query id -o tsv)

4. Create Key Vault for Certificate Storage

export USER_ACCOUNT_ID=$(az ad signed-in-user show | jq -r .id)
az keyvault create --name $KV_NAME --resource-group $PERSISTENT_RG_NAME --location $LOCATION --enable-rbac-authorization
az role assignment create --assignee ${USER_ACCOUNT_ID} --scope /subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${PERSISTENT_RG_NAME}/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/${KV_NAME} --role "Key Vault Administrator"

5. Create Service Principals for the Control Plane Components

cloudProvider=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "${CLOUD_PROVIDER_SP_NAME}" --create-cert --cert "${CLOUD_PROVIDER_SP_NAME}" --keyvault "${KV_NAME}" --query "{clientID: appId, certificateName: '${CLOUD_PROVIDER_SP_NAME}'}" -o json)
controlPlaneOperator=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "${CONTROL_PLANE_SP_NAME}" --create-cert --cert "${CONTROL_PLANE_SP_NAME}" --keyvault "${KV_NAME}" --query "{clientID: appId, certificateName: '${CONTROL_PLANE_SP_NAME}'}" -o json)
disk=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "${AZURE_DISK_SP_NAME}" --create-cert --cert "${AZURE_DISK_SP_NAME}" --keyvault "${KV_NAME}" --query "{clientID: appId, certificateName: '${AZURE_DISK_SP_NAME}'}" -o json)
file=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "${AZURE_FILE_SP_NAME}" --create-cert --cert "${AZURE_FILE_SP_NAME}" --keyvault "${KV_NAME}" --query "{clientID: appId, certificateName: '${AZURE_FILE_SP_NAME}'}" -o json)
imageRegistry=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "${IMAGE_REGISTRY_SP_NAME}" --create-cert --cert "${IMAGE_REGISTRY_SP_NAME}" --keyvault "${KV_NAME}" --query "{clientID: appId, certificateName: '${IMAGE_REGISTRY_SP_NAME}'}" -o json)
ingress=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "${INGRESS_SP_NAME}" --create-cert --cert "${INGRESS_SP_NAME}" --keyvault "${KV_NAME}" --query "{clientID: appId, certificateName: '${INGRESS_SP_NAME}'}" -o json)
network=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "${CNCC_NAME}" --create-cert --cert "${CNCC_NAME}" --keyvault "${KV_NAME}" --query "{clientID: appId, certificateName: '${CNCC_NAME}'}" -o json)
nodePoolManagement=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "${NODEPOOL_MGMT}" --create-cert --cert "${NODEPOOL_MGMT}" --keyvault "${KV_NAME}" --query "{clientID: appId, certificateName: '${NODEPOOL_MGMT}'}" -o json)

6. Save Service Principal and Key Vault Details

cat <<EOF > "${CP_OUTPUT_FILE}"
    "cloudProvider": ${cloudProvider},
    "controlPlaneOperator": ${controlPlaneOperator},
    "disk": ${disk},
    "file": ${file},
    "imageRegistry": ${imageRegistry},
    "ingress": ${ingress},
    "managedIdentitiesKeyVault": {
        "name": "${KV_NAME}",
        "tenantID": "$(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv)"
    "network": ${network},
    "nodePoolManagement": ${nodePoolManagement}

7. Create and Save Managed Identities for the Data Plane Component


AZURE_DISK_CLIENT_ID=$(az identity create --name $AZURE_DISK_MI_NAME --resource-group $PERSISTENT_RG_NAME --query clientId -o tsv)
AZURE_FILE_CLIENT_ID=$(az identity create --name $AZURE_FILE_MI_NAME --resource-group $PERSISTENT_RG_NAME --query clientId -o tsv)
IMAGE_REGISTRY_CLIENT_ID=$(az identity create --name $IMAGE_REGISTRY_MI_NAME --resource-group $PERSISTENT_RG_NAME --query clientId -o tsv)

cat <<EOF > "${DP_OUTPUT_FILE}"
  "imageRegistryMSIClientID": ${IMAGE_REGISTRY_CLIENT_ID},

8. DNS Setup

Create DNS Zone

az network dns zone create --resource-group $PERSISTENT_RG_NAME --name $DNS_ZONE_NAME

Delete Any Existing Record Set

az network dns record-set ns delete --resource-group $PARENT_DNS_RG --zone-name $PARENT_DNS_ZONE --name $DNS_RECORD_NAME -y

Get Name Servers for DNS Zone

name_servers=$(az network dns zone show --resource-group $PERSISTENT_RG_NAME --name $DNS_ZONE_NAME --query nameServers --output tsv)
while IFS= read -r ns; do
done <<< "$name_servers"

Add Name Servers to Parent DNS Zone

for ns in "${ns_array[@]}"; do
    az network dns record-set ns add-record --resource-group $PARENT_DNS_RG --zone-name $PARENT_DNS_ZONE --record-set-name $DNS_RECORD_NAME --nsdname "$ns"

Create Service Principal for DNS

DNS_SP=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $EXTERNAL_DNS_SP_NAME)
EXTERNAL_DNS_SP_APP_ID=$(echo "$DNS_SP" | jq -r '.appId')
EXTERNAL_DNS_SP_PASSWORD=$(echo "$DNS_SP" | jq -r '.password')

Assign Rights to Service Principal

DNS_ID=$(az network dns zone show --name ${DNS_ZONE_NAME} --resource-group ${PERSISTENT_RG_NAME} --query "id" --output tsv)
az role assignment create --role "Reader" --assignee "${EXTERNAL_DNS_SP_APP_ID}" --scope "${DNS_ID}"
az role assignment create --role "Contributor" --assignee "${EXTERNAL_DNS_SP_APP_ID}" --scope "${DNS_ID}"

Note: if your DNS Zone is not in the same resource group where the parent DNS zone is located, you will need to add these same role assignments to the resource group where the parent DNS zone is located.

Create DNS Credentials for AKS

"tenantId": "$(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv)",
"subscriptionId": "$(az account show --query id -o tsv)",
"resourceGroup": "$PERSISTENT_RG_NAME",
"aadClientId": "$EXTERNAL_DNS_SP_APP_ID",
"aadClientSecret": "$EXTERNAL_DNS_SP_PASSWORD"

9. Create Resource Group for AKS Cluster

az group create --name $AKS_CLUSTER_RG_NAME --location eastus

10. Create AKS Cluster

az aks create \
    --resource-group $AKS_CLUSTER_RG_NAME \
    --name $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
    --node-count 3 \
    --generate-ssh-keys \
    --load-balancer-sku standard \
    --os-sku AzureLinux \
    --node-vm-size Standard_D4s_v4 \
    --enable-addons azure-keyvault-secrets-provider \
    --enable-fips-image \
    --enable-cluster-autoscaler \
    --min-count 2 \
    --max-count 6 \
    --enable-secret-rotation \
    --rotation-poll-interval 1m \
    --kubernetes-version 1.31.1 \
    --assign-identity $AKS_CP_MI_ID \
    --assign-kubelet-identity $AKS_KUBELET_MI_ID

11. Export Kubeconfig

az aks get-credentials --resource-group $AKS_CLUSTER_RG_NAME --name $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME --overwrite-existing
export AZURE_KEY_VAULT_AUTHORIZED_USER_ID=$(az aks show -n $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME -g $AKS_CLUSTER_RG_NAME | jq .addonProfiles.azureKeyvaultSecretsProvider.identity.clientId -r)
export AZURE_KEY_VAULT_AUTHORIZED_OBJECT_ID=$(az aks show -n $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME -g $AKS_CLUSTER_RG_NAME | jq .addonProfiles.azureKeyvaultSecretsProvider.identity.objectId -r)

12. Assign Role to Secret Provider

az role assignment create --assignee-object-id $AZURE_KEY_VAULT_AUTHORIZED_OBJECT_ID --role "Key Vault Secrets User" --scope /subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${PERSISTENT_RG_NAME} --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal

13. Create External DNS Secret Config File

kubectl delete secret azure-config-file --namespace "default" --ignore-not-found
kubectl create secret generic azure-config-file --namespace "default" --from-file $EXTERNAL_DNS_CREDS

14. Install Hypershift Operator

oc apply -f
oc apply -f
oc apply -f
oc apply -f

hypershift install \
    --enable-conversion-webhook=false \
    --external-dns-provider=azure \
    --external-dns-credentials $EXTERNAL_DNS_CREDS \
    --pull-secret $PULL_SECRET \
    --external-dns-domain-filter $DNS_ZONE_NAME \
    --managed-service ARO-HCP \
    --aro-hcp-key-vault-users-client-id $AZURE_KEY_VAULT_AUTHORIZED_USER_ID \

15. Create RSA keys

Follow the instructions here to run this command. It should look something like this:

% ./ccoctl azure create-key-pair
2024/11/14 12:57:29 Generating RSA keypair
2024/11/14 12:57:30 Writing private key to /Users/username/cloud-credential-operator/serviceaccount-signer.private
2024/11/14 12:57:30 Writing public key to /Users/username/cloud-credential-operator/serviceaccount-signer.public
2024/11/14 12:57:30 Copying signing key for use by installer

Save the public and private key path off as you will need it in the next steps. We will refer to them as SA_TOKEN_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH and SA_TOKEN_ISSUER_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH in the rest of this guide.

16. Create the OIDC Issuer URL and ServiceAccount Keys

Follow the instructions here to run this command.

The NAME provided in the ccoctl tool below can only be alphanumerical characters and must be between 3 and 24 characters in length.

If you are using os4-common for the PERSISTENT_RG_NAME, this is in the centralus region.


./ccoctl azure create-oidc-issuer \
--oidc-resource-group-name $PERSISTENT_RG_NAME \
--tenant-id $TENANT_ID \
--name $NAME \
--subscription-id $SUBSCRIPTION_ID \

Save your Issuer URL off as you will need it in the next step, let's call it OIDC_ISSUER_URL.

17. Create Federated Identities for Workload Identities

az identity federated-credential create --name "${AZURE_DISK_MI_NAME}"-fed-id \
--identity-name "${AZURE_DISK_MI_NAME}" \
--resource-group "${PERSISTENT_RG_NAME}" \
--issuer "${OIDC_ISSUER_URL}" \
--subject system:serviceaccount:openshift-cluster-csi-drivers:azure-disk-csi-driver-node-sa \
--audience openshift

az identity federated-credential create --name "${AZURE_FILE_MI_NAME}"-fed-id \
--identity-name "${AZURE_FILE_MI_NAME}" \
--resource-group "${PERSISTENT_RG_NAME}" \
--issuer "${OIDC_ISSUER_URL}" \
--subject system:serviceaccount:openshift-cluster-csi-drivers:azure-file-csi-driver-node-sa \
--audience openshift

az identity federated-credential create --name "${IMAGE_REGISTRY_MI_NAME}"-fed-id \
--identity-name "${IMAGE_REGISTRY_MI_NAME}" \
--resource-group "${PERSISTENT_RG_NAME}" \
--issuer "${OIDC_ISSUER_URL}" \
--subject system:serviceaccount:openshift-image-registry:cluster-image-registry-operator \
--audience openshift

az identity federated-credential create --name "${IMAGE_REGISTRY_MI_NAME}"-fed-id \
--identity-name "${IMAGE_REGISTRY_MI_NAME}" \
--resource-group "${PERSISTENT_RG_NAME}" \
--issuer "${OIDC_ISSUER_URL}" \
--subject system:serviceaccount:openshift-image-registry:registry \
--audience openshift

18. Create Hosted Cluster

hypershift create cluster azure \
--name $HC_NAME \
--azure-creds $SP_AKS_CREDS \
--location eastus \
--node-pool-replicas 2 \
--base-domain $PARENT_DNS_ZONE \
--pull-secret $PULL_SECRET \
--generate-ssh \
--release-image $RELEASE_IMAGE \
--external-dns-domain $DNS_ZONE_NAME \
--annotations \
--fips=true \
--marketplace-publisher azureopenshift \
--marketplace-offer aro4 \
--marketplace-sku aro_417 \
--marketplace-version 417.94.20240701 \
--assign-service-principal-roles \
--dns-zone-rg-name $PERSISTENT_RG_NAME \
--oidc-issuer-url "${OIDC_ISSUER_URL}" \
--sa-token-issuer-private-key-path "${SA_TOKEN_ISSUER_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH}" \
--managed-identities-file $CP_OUTPUT_FILE \
--data-plane-identities-file $DP_OUTPUT_FILE

19. Deleting the Azure Hosted Cluster

You can delete the cluster by using the following command:

${HYPERSHIFT_BINARY_PATH}/hypershift destroy cluster azure \
--name $CLUSTER_NAME \
--azure-creds $ASP_AKS_CREDS